Version 2.1 Released!

Your Discount Depot App Just Got Even Better!

Key Features

Presenting Product Volume and Cart Goal Discounts by Discount Depot

Presenting Product Volume and Cart Goal Discounts.

Introducing a trio of incredible discounts: enjoy product volume deals, achieve cart goals, and revel in regular product discounts. Elevate your shopping experience and maximize your budget like never before.

With Discount Depot, your savings potential knows no bounds. Explore the future of savvy shopping today!

Revamped UI

Navigate effortlessly through our revamped user interface, designed for streamlined browsing, intuitive list views, and simplified discount form interactions.

Elevate your user experience and make the most of our user-friendly design, making your discount management a breeze.

Enhanced UI for Discount Depot App
App Blocks Support by Discount Depot

App Blocks

Harness the power of App Blocks to craft captivating volume discount tables and compelling cart goal messages. Elevate your marketing game and captivate customers with visually appealing offers.

Discount Depot empowers your creativity, making discount customization a breeze.

More Filters

Introducing advanced features like exclude countries and gift card product filters, tailored to your discount customization needs. Enhance your strategic approach and target specific audiences effortlessly.

Discount Depot empowers you to optimize your discounts with precision, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for every customer.

Gift Card & Country Filter for Discount Depot App
Custom Discount Labels by Discount Depot

Bug Fixes

We’ve perfected the storefront experience by swiftly resolving price label bugs, ensuring a seamless and error-free browsing experience for your customers.

Elevate your online store’s reputation with a hassle-free shopping environment that inspires trust and engagement.